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Jacob Velazquez

& mentor

David Frangioni

Congrats Jacob for getting two standing ovations on America’s Got Talent #AGT – You inspire all of us!
Learn more about music prodigy Jacob Velazquez who shares his love for the drums with Modern Drummer publisher and mentor David Frangioni.

Jacob Velazquez

& mentor

David Frangioni

Congrats Jacob for getting two standing ovations on America’s Got Talent #AGT – You inspire all of us!
Learn more about music prodigy Jacob Velazquez who shares his love for the drums with Modern Drummer publisher and mentor David Frangioni.

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2 Important Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Artist Development Services for You


Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard

Countless musicians in Miami, FL and throughout the world are gifted with what has been commonly called “natural talent.”  However, in today’s world of world class musicians sharing their expertise via platforms such as YouTube & TikTok, becoming a great musician is more about how much time a musician works on their craft.

To take hours of practice and turn it into an artistic statement that forms a career, is an endeavor that requires help from only the very best in the music business. Many may claim that they can help you along the journey, but few are really qualified with the experience to do it extremely well.

Musicians who want to take their career to the next level in Miami, FL and throughout the world look to All Access IDA – Inspire & Develop Artists - for guidance to develop their artistry.

SEE ALSO: What You Need in a Music Manager


1. Are the People You Are Considering Passionate about Helping Musicians Become Great?

Anyone that has spent any time in the music business knows that it can be a cold experience with many empty promises. The stories of musicians being taken advantage of by so-called managers or handlers are endless.

When deciding which company to go with when in search of artist development services, you want to make sure whomever you are considering is passionate about both the music and the business while turning it into a refined art form.

Passionate producers, sound engineers and even managers can be hard to come by, but there are ways you can recognize the best of the best. Here are 2 of them:

  1. They will always go the extra mile for clients, work extra hours, and take pride in your music as if it were their own.
  2. They will give clients constructive criticism that may not always be pleasant to hear. A great artist development team will always be honest with you.

All Access IDA has a team of experts who are truly passionate about what they do—you can depend on us to always go the extra mile.


2. Are They Punctual, and Do They Stand by Their Word?

In all walks of life, but particularly the music business, there are endless lists of talented musicians, producers, songwriters and the like who have one major flaw--they can’t seem to ever be on time.

Setting attainable goals and scheduling things such as studio time, rehearsals, lessons, and concerts demands punctuality on all ends. 

A great artist development team knows how to get you step by step from A to Z and how to help you (the artist) make the most of your time. If you are someone who has trouble managing time and being punctual, a great artist development team will direct you and help you to implement solid habits and teach you that old lesson—if you don't work hard and show up for your art, then don’t expect anybody else to either!


Let’s Start Developing Your Sound as an Artist Now

You can be the artist you’ve always dreamed of being. Let’s go ahead and get started on the journey of a lifetime.

Contact us here.

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  • 1279 W. Palmetto Park Rd
    PO Box 276064
    Boca Raton, FL 33427

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